Welcome to Groucifer Online!

My name is Koti
Really, I'm not a Grouse
Just a mutt from Montgomery,
Who lives in a big house.
My previous owners gave me this nickname
'Cause I never would get in my crate
And it has stuck with me over the years
Ain't the name "Grouse" great?

Here is a list of my favorite web sites:

Ruffled Grouse Society

Grouse Tales & Bird Dogs

Broiled Grouse Receipe

The Grouse Point Almanac

Doggie Graphics

To see a picture of me, click here!

Visit my cousin's site here!

Here is today's weather forecast for my home:

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Magic 21

Magic 21 -
Free card game. For each "21" you make, you could win up to $4,999 in cash! Go try your hand  »

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